Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Attachment and Arrangement of Leaves on Stem

Arrangement of Leaves on Stem
In this type of leaf arrangement, one leaf exists in every node. Example: Hibiscus rosasinensis, Citrus sps.
Two leaves are seen at every node in this type of leaf arrangement. Example: Vinca major, Ixora coccinea.
This arrangement has more than one leaf at every node around the stem. Example: Nerium oleander
leaf arrange
Attachment types of Leaves
Leaf stalk or petiole is present at the leaf angle with stem. Example: Hibiscus rosaninensis, Quercus sps.
Leaf is attached to the stem without any petiole. Example: Podocarpus macrophyllus
Petiole is present at the bottom surface of the leaf and not at the base or leaf margin. Example: Tropaeolum majus.
Partial encircling of the leaf around the stem is clasping. Example: Calendula officinalis.
Leaf base is wrapped around the stem like a grass leaf. Example: Zea mays
Leaf base extends down to create a wing or ridge along the stem. Example: Psidium guajava
Winged petiole
Petiole has leaf-like or membrane-like extension all through the length. Example: Citrus paradise
Winged rachis
A compound leaf stem with a membrane-like extension on either side of the rachis. Example: Rhus copallinum.
 Types of Stipules
These are located on both the sides of the petiole. Ex: Hibiscus rasasinensis
These appendages attach to the sides of the petiole. Ex: Trifolium sps., Rosa sps.
Leaf-like stipules that are green and serve like foliage on the stem. Ex: Pisum sativum, Delonix regia
 Other Unique Leaf Types
Needle-shaped leaves
Present in Pinus sps.
Needle-like leaves
Leaf margins are rolled back so strongly that the leaf appears tubular just like in Ceratiola ericoides
Awl-shaped and scale-like leaves
Reduced leaf size Ex: Taxodium distichum, Juniperus viginiana

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