Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Natural Remedies for Stomach Ache

Some of the home remedies for the treatment of stomach cramps are mentioned in this article. Some of the substances that are used in preparing the remedies for stomach cramps are cumin seeds, pomegranate, lemon juice, ginger juice, aniseeds, rock salt, red wine, black salt, celery leaves, vitamin D, calcium, bananas and magnesium and so on.

 Abdominal Pain: Abdominal pain in adults can extend in the intensity range of mild stomach ache to severe acute pain. The pain is not specific and is caused by various conditions. The abdominal cavity consists of several organs and the pain is usually associated with a particular organ like bladder or ovary. Sometimes, the pain is more distributed and non-specific. The abdominal pain starts with the digestive system. Stomachache can result from appendicitis or food poisoning or diarrheal cramps.
The cause of the pain can be identified by the physician if the location and type of the pain are found. The duration and intensity of the pain should be thought about at the time of making the diagnosis. The features of the abdominal pain or stomach pain are
  • Pain characteristics: The pain in the abdomen might be sharp, stabbing, dull, knife-like, cramp-like, piercing and twisting.
  • Pain duration: The pain in the abdomen can exist for a few hours or it can extend for a few long hours. The abdominal pain will appear sometimes for a while and then its intensity might get lessened for some period.
  • Stimulation of events: The pain usually becomes worse by certain events like becoming problematic after meals, becoming good after the movement of bowels, good after vomiting or bad when the person is lying down.
Pain in the abdomen might make the suffering person to be like that without moving the muscles. The pain will create problem to the person in such a way that he or she becomes restless. The adbomen is the area between the chest and pelvis. It can consist of pain in any organ including the stomach.
Stomach ache: The abdominal pain in the stomach is termed as the stomach ache. The stomach is the organ that is situated between the small intestine and oesophagus. The protein digestion starts from this organ. Stomach performs mainly three functions like storing of swallowed food, mixing the food with the acids and the mixture is sent into the intestines.
Stomach ache can be due to heartburn or indigestion. The stomach ache can be brought some relief by taking certain over-the-counter drugs, altering the lifestyle, by not eating fatty foods and by eating food very slowly. Medical attention is needed for peptic ulcers and GERD as they are the major causes of stomach ache.
The condition is attended to when the person has blood in the bowels, has severe heartburns, undesired weight loss, and heartburn not solved by the antacids and diarrhea and vomiting.
Symptoms of Stomach pain
  • Symptoms of heartburn are burning sensation that is experienced below the breastbone. This sensation can also spread to the throat region. The other symptoms of heartburn are persistent cough, sour taste in the mouth, difficulty in swallowing and chest pain. These symptoms will increase after the person eats or if he or she lies down.
  • Symptoms of peptic ulcer are burning pain in the stomach enhanced when the stomach is empty. The pain is reduced after the person eats something. This burning pain is usually relieved by taking the antacids or by eating a meal.
Causes of stomach pain
  • Acidity
  • Indigestion or heartburn: The heartburn can be caused due to various reasons like foods that stimulate heartburn, asthma, Hiatal hernias, pregnancy, and diabetes.
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Pain after delivery experienced by some women
  • If the person is hit by someone else at the gut region
  • If the person eats spoiled food
  • The sore or erosion that might occur on the lining of the stomach or duodenum. The main reason for the peptic ulcer is Helicobacter pylori. The other reasons might include NSAIDs and alcohol.
  • Infection: Bacterial infection or viral infection generally makes the entered organism to get out of the body. This is done by diarrhea or vomiting. The bacterial infections cause food poisoning, which is responsible for the conditions that give rise to stomach pain due to urinary tract infection, strep throat, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome and sexually transmitted diseases.
The stomach flu is caused by the viruses. The viruses and bacteria can be spread to others by touching or using the cups or straws or glasses used by the infected people.
  • The belly pain might be due to the constipation. The people who do not include fiber and fluids in their diet might face the problem of constipation.
  • If any of the organs present internally are swollen, then it can lead to belly pain.
 Home remedies for Stomach ache
  • The pain is due to the intestinal gas or acidity; drinking soda water will bring relief.
  • Another remedy is to drink lemon juice taken in two teaspoons mixed in warm water to bring relief to the stomach ache. This mixture has to be added with rock salt powder taken as one gram and should be taken three times in a day.
  • The substances mentioned here are taken in small quantities like black pepper, dry ginger, mint leaves that are dried, cumin seeds that are roasted, asafoetida, rock salt and garlic. These are grinded and made as a fine powder. The stomach ache is brought relief by taking warm water with one teaspoon or half of a teaspoon of this powder. This water in glass can be had for about two times per day or thrice per day. This water mixture has to be taken after the meals.
  • The carom seeds of one to two grams are added to the warm water and taken to bring relief to the stomach ache. This can be added with rock salt or table salt.
  • The region that is having pain can be given local treatment to bring relief from the pain.
  • The stomach pain can be relieved by taking in half cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon full of juice made from ginger and castor oil. This mixture can be had for two times in a day.
  • Nearly 20grams of aniseeds are soaked in a cup of water for nearly four hours. This water is filtered and taken. The aniseeds are soaked all through the night and taken later on.
  • Lying down and taking rest are useful remedies for getting relaxation from the stomach ache. Lying down on one side gives better relief.
  • Breathing easily and relaxation provides a lot of relief.
  • If the stomach ache is due to digestive stress or dehydration, then drinking glass of water might bring relief immediately.
  • Another natural remedy for stomach ache is the use of green tea and peppermint tea.
  • Drinking of aerated beverages can help the person to get relief from stomach cramps. These drinks will make the person to burp and make the excess gas to come out and give some relief. This is the best remedy for stomach pain accompanied by vomiting.
  • For stomach pain that is accompanied by diarrhea, it can be a digestive problem and it might be caused due to some infection. At this time, the body has to be hydrated and made to take rest. The medications related to the infection have to be taken to avoid the pain in the stomach.
  • The effective remedy for the stomach pain accompanied by Diarrhea is turmeric mixed in some drink or in milk. Turmeric has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • Eating bananas will bring some relief at this stage. The use of bananas will provide a binding effect in the stomach and will also provide an energy boost.
  • The fruits with the smell might stimulate vomiting in the individual having nausea. Some people will be able to tolerate the smell without any problems.
  • The mixture of fennel and peppermint tea can be used for preparing the herbal solution. This herbal solution aids in solving the stomach cramps.
  • The mucus membranes that are swollen in the stomach can be smoothened by the intake of chamomile tea.
  • Hot tea can be prepared a cupful and is mixed with lemon juice and one teaspoon of whisky.
  • The uterus muscles have to be relaxed and the pain in the stomach can be relieved by taking hot water bath.
  • The stomach can be made smoothened by keeping a heating pad on the stomach.
  • The rice can be baked in the oven and it is kept on the abdomen.
  • The mixture of quarter teaspoon of salt, a pinch of black pepper, basil leaves and three tablespoons of curd can be used for taking it inside which will bring relief to the stomach cramps.
  • The stomach cramps can be reduced by preparing a herbal tea made from red raspberry leaf and comfrey or alfalfa.
  • The toxins and nutrients can be flushed out from the body by drinking lots of water.
  • The menstrual cramps can be removed by taking the mixture of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium.
  • Abdominal pain can be cured by vodka, red wine and cranberry juice.
  • The iron box is made to become hot and a towel is placed on the top of the stomach by folding it. The iron box can be used for ironing the clothes on the stomach.
  • Ginger tea is a potent remedy for stomach ache as the boiling of ginger in water can be done for about 20 minutes. Will bring a lot of relief to the stomach.
  • Another home remedy for stomach ache is drinking the mixture consisting of one teaspoon of lime juice and mint juice to a few drops of black salt and ginger juice. This mixture will reduce the stomach pain.
  • The ginger piece is taken and juice is extracted from it. This juice is applied on the belly bottom and it is massaged very gently for bringing relief from stomach ache.
  • The acidity in the stomach can be eliminated by drinking plain soda. This would bring a lot of relief from pain.
  • The lemon juice was taken in two teaspoons and rock salt powder taken as one gram is added to 50ml of water. This mixture can be had three times per day.
  • About 20 grams of aniseeds are added to the water cup and it is made to keep like that for the whole night. The mixture is filtered and it is taken in to get relief from pain.
  • Two grams of celery leaves are dried and crushed and mixed with rock salt taken as one gram. This mixture is eaten to get relief from pain.
  • Nearly three grams of tamarind leaves that are tender are grinded with water to form a paste. This paste is made into liquid form; rock salt taken as one gram can be included to it. This mixture can be had to bring relief from stomach pain.
  • Nearly two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of ginger juice can be mixed up and about one-fourth the teaspoon of sugar can be included to it. This mixture can be had for two times in a day.
  • Pomegranates are very helpful in managing the stomach ache. The pomegranate seeds are garnished with salt and black pepper. These seeds are eaten and chewed properly.
  • A pulp of Aegle marmelos is made and is mixed with the buttermilk glass that is prepared freshly. This pulp added into buttermilk is churned well prior to drinking.
  • The stomach cramps can be effectively treated using a paste prepared from fenugreek seeds mixed in the curd.
  • The water is taken as half a liter and two grams of fennel seeds and black currants are included to it. This mixture is made to soak overnight and the contents are smashed in the presence of water. Sugar is included to it. This concoction is taken every day in the morning to bring relief from chronic stomach ache.
  • Drinking water mixed with a small quantity of baking soda will bring some relief to the stomach cramps.

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