Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Natural Remedies for Angular Cheilitis

Some of the natural remedies for the treatment of angular cheilitis are given in this article. Some of the ingredients that are used for preparing these remedies are aloe vera gel, cucumber slices, petroleum jelly and virgin coconut oil and so on.

Angular Cheilitis
This medical condition is a chronic inflammatory state that occurs at the corners of the mouth. Angular Cheilitis is the medical condition that is normally associated with bacterial or fungal infection. The bacterial infection usually caused by staphylococcus and fungal infection is usually caused by candida. The people who are affected by angular Cheilitis are also found to be affected by oral candidiasis. These regions usually are painful and this condition will last from days to months based on whether the person affected desires to get treated.
This condition is otherwise called as angular stomatitis or cheilosis or perleche. This condition will result in cracks or splits that are deep in the skin. The splits will start bleeding when the mouth is opened and ulcers are seen in the shallow regions.
Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis
The signs and symptoms of Angular Cheilitis that occur at the mouth corners are
  • Painful cracks or painful fissures
  • Reddish regions
  • Oozing, blisters, crusting or erosions
  • Bleeding
  • Ulceration
  • Pus drainage
  • Tenderness and softness of the tissues
Causes of Angular Cheilitis
This condition is known to affect the people at various different age groups. The people who are at risk of getting this condition are those who retain saliva on the mouth corners and help in the growth of bacteria and fungi, those who had radiation in the head and neck, people who are immuno-compromised and those who are suffering from diabetes mellitus.
The people who are at the risk of suffering from this condition are found to have problems associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, iron deficiency, folate deficiency and corners of the mouth drooping due to dentures that do not properly support the facial muscles.
The exact reasons for this condition are not clear many times. But, those who are exposed to sun and winds for longer periods are more susceptible to the dryness of the lips. The dried lips will crack and result in the formation of angular cheilitis.
  • Bacterial, viral and fungal infections
  • Nutritional deficiencies like iron and zinc
  • Malnutrition
  • Dribble of saliva causing eczematous cheilitis, which is another form of contact irritant dermatitis
  • Upper lip is overhanging leading to deep furrows
  • Dry chapped lips
Angular Cheilitis is commonly seen in adults as well as in children. The characteristic features that cause this condition are
  • Oral thrush due to antibiotic use, old age, infancy, diabetes and systemic corticosteroid.
  • Dentures that are not fitting properly along with gum recession
  • Deficiency of riboflavin, coeliac disease and iron deficiency
  • The inflammatory bowel disease which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis which are termed as systemic illnesses
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Genetic factors
  • Oral retinoid drugs such as acne, psoriasis, acitretin and isotretinoin
  • The licking of the lips and the corners will aggravate the condition
Natural remedies for Angular Cheilitis
The oil glands that are present on the lips are less when compared to the other parts of the human body. So, the lips become dry very easily as they get cracked. This condition is followed by itching and burning sensation. If the condition has reached a severe stage, then the cuts and cracks might bleed. Licking the lips might make it still drier and so it is not suggested to lick the lips.
  • Application of petroleum jelly is one of the effective remedies for the treatment of this condition. Constant application of petroleum jelly on the lips several times in a day might make the lips moisturized.
  • Virgin coconut oil is also considered as a remedy for the treatment of angular cheilitis. Some drops of virgin coconut oil are applied on the lips for nearly four to five times in a day. This oil will give a healthy appearance for the lips and mouth corners.
  • The Aloe Vera gel can be applied on the lips and mouth rims to keep the area moisturized. This area can be kept applied with this gel for a period of 10 to 15 minutes. Then it can be removed using warm water.
  • The cucumber slice can be used for rubbing it on the lips for some time. This will reduce the burning sensation and pain on the lips.
  • Drinking lots of water of about eight to ten glasses of water per day will keep the body well-hydrated.
  • The use of sugar, alcohol and cigarettes are avoided as they will enhance this condition.
  • Eating a well-balanced diet that comprises of large quantities of iron, vitamins and riboflavin like fruits, iron-rich foods and vegetables can help in solving the problem of angular cheilitis.
  • The air in the house can be kept moist by keeping a humidifier in the house.
  • Application of antifungal cream on the region will help to contain the infection.
  • Antifungal diet comprising of yeast, refined sugar, alcohol and dairy products can be taken.
  • Diet rich in zinc also is found to be useful for the treatment of angular cheilitis.

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