Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Natural Remedies for Abscessed Teeth

What is Abscessed tooth?
Abscessed tooth is the infection present at the root region of the tooth, which is painful. The infection here is present in between the teeth and gum. The abscessed tooth is caused by extensive decay of the teeth. Any injury to the teeth, when the teeth are broken or chipped, gingivitis and gum disease can result in tooth abscess. The problems like teeth injury, gingivitis disease, broken teeth and so on can cause the openings on the enamel of the teeth. These problems will infect the teeth center. The bacterial infection might spread to the teeth root and further to the bones that supported the teeth.
The infection in the teeth will extend to the jaw, mouth, throat and face. These infections are caused by the improper health conditions of the teeth or due to improper dental care. These infections also result from the medical conditions like autoimmune disorders or factors that make the immune system weak.
The dental caries bacteria can spread to the gums, throat, cheek, below the tongue, and to the jaw bones or facial bones. The dental abscess can become very painful if the tissue concerned is swollen and create pressure inside the abscess. The gum tissue surface is affected by the infection, which results in trauma also called as gingival abscess. If the infection travels very deep into the gums, then it is termed as periodontal abscess. The pulp gets infected and is referred to as periapical abscess.
The infection region will have the pus accumulated. This condition will be more painful and the pain is relieved if the contents inside are drained off either by getting ruptured or due to draining done through surgery. The infection worsens to a stage where the airway gets blocked. This blockage will lead to breathing difficulty. The tooth abscess can make the person sick by experiencing fever, vomiting, sweat, nausea and chills. The abscess that develops at the lateral side of the tooth root is called as lateral abscess.
Natural Remedies for Abscessed tooth
Some of the home remedies can be tried to bring down the pain and discomfort. All these procedures can be done before going to the doctor for the treatment. They are not meant for cure but only give relief.
  • The water can be boiled and a cloth is dipped into it. The cloth compress applied on the cheek can bring some relief. Cold treatment also can be done by keeping an ice pack on the cheek.
  • Clove oil is taken in a cotton swab and kept inside the mouth nearer to the teeth.
  • The mixture of table salt and baking soda can be put on the cotton swab and kept in between the teeth and cheek. After keeping this for some time a poison like liquid will get squeezed into the mouth from the abscessed teeth. This has to be spit out. Then the cotton can be changed to another one of similar kind.
  • A piece of onion can be placed on the abscessed teeth to get relief from pain. If the pain recurs, onion can be bitten to get relief.
  • Salt water can be used for gargling purpose.
  • The garlic clove can be used for placing it on the infected region to bring relief.
To reduce the pain half glass of water can be added with quarter spoon of potassium carbonate and utilized for the purpose of mouth wash.

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