Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Root

In most of the dicot plants, the radicle elongates further and results in the development of primary root.  Primary root prolongs into the soil and possesses several lateral roots that form secondary and tertiary roots. The root branches of the primary root are called as Taproot system. The monocotyledons will have the primary root as short-lived and have any number of small lateral roots. These roots develop at the stem base and they form a root system called as the fibrous root system, which is observed in the wheat plant (monocot). In some plants like a banyan tree, monstera, and grass, parts of the plant other than radicle will be responsible for the development of root system called as adventitious root system.

The major functions of the root system are the absorption of minerals and water from the soil, which offers a suitable anchoring to the plant, produce the growth regulators of the plants and store the reserve food materials.

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