Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Natural Remedies for Back Acne

Back acne is difficult to be treated compared to the acne on the face. Back acne is formed from thick and tough skin having several glands that release lot of oil. Dermatologists usually consider back acne to be same as the acne on the face. This acne develops in the same way and is expressed as similar form of lesion. The skin pores that are present at the back release more oil compared to those present on the face. The large pores can produce severe lesions known as cysts and nodules very frequently.
It was statistically estimated that nearly 2/3rd of those consisting of facial acne also will comprise of small amount of back acne. The back acne is seen in about 20 percent of adult males who are healthy. This condition is also witnessed in females as well. The body areas like shoulders, buttocks, chest, arms and legs might have acne while the back is common compared to other area causing extremities.
The back acne and body acne are caused by the features same as those causing facial acne. Some of the causes include excessive dead skin cells, hyperactive oil glands and proliferation of bacteria causing acne. The dead cells in the skin and the oil are trapped inside the follicle or inside the pore and form the blocking of the pores. The blocking of the pores will form blackhead and it might develop into pimple that can be affected by the bacteria.
The acne that is present at the back becomes worse by excess sweat, which causes the skin pores to get blocked.
Symptoms of back acne
  • Back acne causes a type of small lesions on the skin.
  • Acne can be recognized by the presence of pustules, papules, whiteheads, cysts, blackheads and nodules.
  • Acne appears as two types called as inflamed and non-inflamed.
  • The non-inflamed acne comprises of black heads, micro comedones and milia. The comedones do not look as painful and red.
  • The non-inflamed acne has bumpiness on the skin surface or a skin texture that is uneven.
  • If the comedones are not visible, the skin will become rough and like sandpaper.
  • The comedones might have breakouts that are reddish like pustules and papules.
  • If the non-inflamed acne is not treated then they might progress to inflamed acne.
  • The acne that is inflamed is characterized by the reddish appearance with inflammation.
  • The inflamed acne consists of blackheads, micro comedones and milia along with cysts, nodules, papules and pustules. The symptoms of inflamed acne are irritation, redness, and swelling, skin irritation apart from oozing, crusting, and scabbing of lesions.
  • The acne that are inflamed appear in the range from mild to extensively severe.
  • The inflamed acne will have the pustules rarely while others might have cysts. The serious form of acne is cystic acne. The inflamed acne might lead to scars on the skin and cause damage in the skin.
  • The regions of the body that are mostly affected by the acne are neck, chest, face, upper arms, shoulders and back.
  • Acne will appear on the torso, legs and arms. Acne has symptoms that exist as grade I, II, III and IV.
  • Acne also causes pigmentation and scarring. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the medical condition that can cause spots on the skin, which are discolored and they are left after the acne lesions are healed.
  • The skin that had acne till now were darkened, discolored, blotches and reddish spots. The mentioned problem might exist like that even after breaking out of the acne was healed completely.
  • The acne that is more severe might result in the formation of acne scars. The scars of acne that are very serious are rolling scars, hypertrophic scars, ice pick scars, atrophic scars and keloids.
Causes of back acne
The major reason for the acne is not known certainly. One thing that can be certainly said about this is that the oil glands have to be matured. That is the reason for the back acne to arise after puberty.
  • The people who get acne will produce skin cells excessively inside the pores which remain together and form a substance called zit.
  • The irritation in the skin can cause Acne mechanica.
  • The back acne can be triggered by repeated rubbing against the skin, rough massage, weight lifting machines that press on the shoulder region, backpacks, rubbing the back area and irritation of skin.
  • The moisture present in the atmosphere and the moistened skin area can enhance the Acne mechanica.
  • If the rubbing is repeated and is accompanied by sweat then it can lead to acne. The tight clothing and carrying back pack also might be the reason for back acne.
  • Most of the people will be in constant contact with the clothing, beds, chairs, and touch of other people might cause irritation in the back skin. To get relief from back acne, you can use cotton clothes that are breathable.
  • A heavy back pack.
  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual periods, stress, birth control tablets and pregnancy.
  • Oily hair products and cosmetic products.
  • Some medications such as estrogen, steroids, phenytoin and testosterone are the causes of acne.
  • The high humidity and sweating are also the causes of acne.
  • If the skin oil glands synthesize more oil they can block the pores. The blockage is caused by debris, dirt, inflammatory cells and bacteria. The blockage is also called as plug or comedone. This plug will be either black or white at the top.
  • The inflammation that has resulted deep inside the skin might make the pimples to become large and painful cysts.
Home remedies for back acne
  • The body shower has to be taken for two times per day at least to keep the body clean and dry. This is done usually with the help of antibacterial soap or Neem based soap. The back skin has to be cleaned with the detergent effectively. But, the rubbing should not be very aggressive as it will enhance the acne already present. If any workout is performed, the sweat that has resulted should be washed immediately after the physical activity. The clothes have to be washed properly for maintaining proper hygiene.
  • The skin has to be rubbed with a moisturizer, which nourishes the skin. The water based or oil based moisturizers might block the pores leading to pimples and black heads.
  • The natural oils such as tea tree oil, jojoba oil and lavender oil are utilized for skin moisturization as they control the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. The natural oils will act as a cure for the acne. They act properly when used in limited quantities. The natural oils might cause allergy to the skin that is acne prone.
  • The back skin must not be rubbed against the bed when the person is sleeping. It is better to sleep on one side and avoid sleeping on the back. The blanket has to be kept clean and tidy.
  • The diet that is taken must include lot of healthy fresh vegetables and fruits to remove the back acne. The foods that are rich in fiber such as lentils and whole grains have to be taken. The refined sugar and fried foods have to be avoided.
  • Smoking and alcohol have to be avoided. The coffee, tea and carbonated drinks have to be decreased and the intake of herbal tea and green tea has to be done. The antioxidants present in the green tea help in the prevention of acne breakout.
  • The diet that is rich in wheat grass juice, lime and aloe vera juice is good for healing acne. Nearly three to four cloves of garlic are taken every day. Acne helps in stimulating the immune system which allows the body to be strong enough to destroy the acne consisting of bacteria. The natural foods present in the diet act as effective home remedy for back acne.
  • The impurities in the body are cleaned and toxic substances are removed using water. About one and a half and two liters of water can be taken daily to solve the problem of acne.
  • One glass of Luke warm water taken with half a lemon and honey in one teaspoon can be taken in the empty stomach.
  • Performing activities like dance, aerobics and sports every day aids in supplying oxygen to the pores of the skin giving it a glow of radiance.
  • Masks are very effective for usage at regular intervals. The skin masks can be prepared using certain substances that are available in the kitchen. These masks can be applied on the skin at your back with the help of others. The masks that can be used easily for applying on the skin at the back are listed under.
  • Tomato mask: The tomato is crushed and the pulp is rubbed on the skin that has acne. This can be kept for about ½ hour. Later it has to be cleaned with cold water. Tomato is rich in vitamins A and C. The tomato also aids in decreasing the pore number. This is a beneficial home remedy for the treatment of back acne.
  • Oatmeal mask: This mask is made for cooking oatmeal. A tablespoon of honey is applied on the back and kept for about 20 minutes. Then it is washed with cool water. The use of oatmeal can help in taking away excessive oil out of the pores so that acne can be prevented.
  • Mint mask: Turmeric and mint juice are mixed well and rubbed on the back. It is left for 15 minutes like that and then rinsed with Luke warm water. The mint consists of menthol, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The mask will help in avoiding the inflammation and decrease the pain.
  • Lemon mask: The rose water and lime juice are mixed in similar quantities and are applied on the back with cotton balls. It is kept like that all through the night and washed later in the morning. The extra oil can be removed from the skin by using lemon.
  • Tea tree oil: This oil is very beneficial as it has antibacterial properties and decreases inflammation which causes skin acne. The tea tree oil is used for back acne remedy which is effective for people having sensitive skin as it will not cause any side effects.
  • Washing the acne with salicylic acid will aid in draining the sebum from the skin pores that are clogged.
  • Formation of sebum is restricted by the use of topical gels and creams. This is done to peel off the skin layer. Some creams consisting of antibiotics are also used for treating the skin acne caused by the bacterial growth.
  • Several studies have proved that Aloe vera is used effectively for the treatment of minor infections of skins, cuts, burns, acne, cysts and pimples. Aloe vera will be able to create treatment effects by the polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins that are present in aloe vera. So, applying aloe vera gel on the back and other body areas will be beneficial.
  • Applying honey on the skin prevents the skin from becoming too much oily. The oily skin will cause more bacteria to survive on the skin. The moisture content of the skin is managed by the honey application. The back skin can be applied with honey mixed with yoghurt and washed with this mixture.
  • Acne can be cleaned using home-made remedy like diluted apple cider vinegar. This is found to be effective for treating the acne. The bacterial activity is restricted by the use of apple cider vinegar which has antiseptic properties.
  • Some other home remedies that are used for the treatment of back acne are face packs that comprise of fenugreek paste and cucumber. The infection can be restricted by applying the lemon juice with mint. Yoghurt is known to prevent the skin to become very much oily. Yoghurt is the supplier of nutrients and probiotics to the skin.
  • Doing exercise regularly is also helpful to keep the skin pores clear and open. This is helpful to take enough rest and stop sleeping on the back. The activities that help in stress relief can be performed to bring acne intensity reduced.
  • Vitamins, minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables are found to be beneficial for the skin. The sources of vitamin A are leafy vegetables, red pepper, herbs, dried apricots, carrots, cantaloupe, and liver. The sources of vitamin B are spinach, Kale, collard greens, chicory, legumes, Swiss chard, egg yolk, berries, yeast and whole grain cereals. Eating well-balanced diet is very much essential for the management of acne.
  • The cucumber can be grinded and applied on the acne skin to keep the skin cool and healthy.
  • The rose water can be mixed with the sandalwood pulp and applied on the skin acne at the back. This application can be left for about half an hour. Then it is washed away.
  • The mixture that consists of orange peel with the water can be rubbed on the back skin. This is used as a normal treatment for back acne.
  • Three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon are grinded to prepare the pulp. The regions that are rubbed with the pulp prior to going to the bed. After getting up, wash the acne with warm water.
  • Lemon juice that is squeezed freshly is taken in one tablespoon along with a tablespoon of grinded cinnamon. This paste can be used for rubbing it on the regions that are affected regularly.
  • Fresh garlic can be applied on the affected back acne every day until the pimples disappear.
  • The pulp that is created from one tablespoon of cumin seeds can be applied on the back acne for a period of one hour. Then it is washed away.
  • Mixture of groundnut oil and lime juice can be applied on the areas that are affected. This mixture is allowed to stay there for a period of 15 minutes and cleaned with water later.
  • The whole milk and lime juice mixture can be applied on the back acne. This remedy is being used by the people since ancient times in the eastern countries.
  • The pomegranate that is roasted and grinded can be mixed with lime juice and applied on the back acne, pimples and blackheads.
  • The egg white on these regions are applied on the pimples and kept like that for about 20 minutes and cleaned with water. The region has to be well washed as the egg white will create a sticky surface.
  • The home remedy for the back acne includes avoiding fried foods, chocolates and processed foods that are rich in refined sugar.
  • Wheatgrass juice can be taken to avoid back acne and treat it. This is a very simple method of treating back acne.

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