Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Plant pathology

Plant pathology is the branch of science that deals with the diseases of plants caused by certain pathogens which include bacteria, nematodes, fungi, protozoa, viruses, and parasitic plants. The microbes that are not involved in causing the infections are pests, insects, mites and other vertebrae which usually eat away plant tissues and affect the health of the plants. The plant pathology also deals with the subjects like identification of pathogen, disease cycles, disease etiology, disease epidemiology, disease resistance, and economic impact. The pathology of plants also discusses on the issues like plant diseases influencing the animals and human beings, management of diseases of plants and patho system genetics.
The major concept that is dealt in the plant pathology is “disease triangle”. The concept indicates that the infectious diseases are spread depending on the interactions present between the pathogen, environmental conditions and the host. The pathogens that belong to the fungal group mostly constitute organisms classified under ascomycetes, oomycetes and basidiomycetes. The fungi belonging to this group spread through the spores produced by their reproductive structures. The spores can get transmitted through air and get distributed easily.
The bacteria that cause plant diseases are mostly rod shaped. They function in different ways by producing cell wall degrading enzymes, phyto hormones, toxins, effector proteins and exo polysaccharides. The spiroplasma and phytoplasma are mollicutes which reproduce inside the phloem and are transmitted from one plant to another.

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