Tuesday, December 4, 2018


The leguminous plants and few of the other plants get nitrogen through a process called nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen that is fixed by the bacteria living in the root nodules of the leguminous plants is called biologicaly fixed nitrogen.Some of the plants are provided with organic nitrogen by the nitrogen fixation process carried out by the soil bacteria chemically. Therefore, two types of nitrogen fixation processes exist. The nitrogen fixation is represented by the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate, nitrite and ammonia forms. These organic forms of nitrogen are useful for the plants to absorb nitrogen easily and grow well. The soil bacteria called nitrobacter also can perform the nitrogen fixation. The bacteria which resides inside the nodules of the leguminous plants are able to perform nitrogen fixation with the help of nitrogenase enzyme. The rhizobium bacteria exist in symbiotic relationship with the plants and provide the plant nitrgenous nutrition.

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