Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Double Fertilization

The pollination is successful and is said to have completed if the pollen tube travels through stigma and style and reach the ovules present in the ovary. The germ cell present in the pollen grain divides into two sperm cells. These sperm cells will remain at the end of the pollen tube, which opens into the micropylar end of the embryo sac. The pollen tube further penetrates into the embryo sac through one of the synergids by destroying it. The sperm nucleus will fuse with the egg cell to form zygote. The zygote further grows into a sporophyte representing the next generation. The sperm combines with the polar bodies present in the center of the embryo sac and starts forming endosperm, which is triploid. The endosperm tissue will help in the growth and development of the embryo.

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