Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Movement of minerals and water in plant roots

The circulatory system in the animals helps in transport of fluids, nutrients and chemicals inside the body of the animal. Similarly, the plants also have their vascular system to transport the nutrients and water from one part of the plant to another. The epidermal cells of the plant root hairs, which are the extensions of the roots help in the absorption of water and minerals. The root hairs are beneficial in enhancing the surface area of the plant roots.
The water and the mineral nutrients pass into the plant through the epidermal cell membrane. The water that passes through the membranes of the epidermal cells, further move inside the plant through the plasmodesmata and enter the xylem. This method of movement of water through plasmodesmata is called as apoplastic movement. If the water passes through the plasma membrane and cell wall and reaches the xylem after passing through the endodermis, it is called symplastic movement 

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