Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Gymnosperms and Angiosperm Seeds

Gymnosperms are plants that have seeds but not bear true fruits. These plants do not have carpel to produce true fruits. The seeds in these plants are naked and are present inside the scales or cones of the plant branches. Hence, Gymnosperms are called as naked seed plants. In some of the plants of this group, the seeds are present inside a fleshy fruit like structure.
Seeds of Angiosperms: Angiosperms are advanced plants and their seeds have embryo embedded inside the tough or hard or woody outer coat. Generally, one embryo is observed inside the seed while some exceptions can be there with seeds more than one embryo.
More than one embryo can give rise to more than one plant from a single seed. Eg. Citrus sps etc. Seeds are formed when fertilization occurs between the egg and sperm nucleus inside the ovule of the flower ovary. The size of the seeds ranges from the small dust particles to very large avocados. Some plants have seeds even with greater sizes.
Seeds differ in color, texture, dispersal methods and longevity. Some of the seed modifications that help in the dispersal of the plants include hooks, spines, bristles, plumes or possessing wings and arils. They differ in the type of food and the abundance of the food present in them.

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