Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The details of the symptoms of deficiency of plant nutrition

The deficiency symptoms of macronutrients

Calcium deficiency
 Distorted leaves and rot of blossom end
 Nitrogen deficiency
 Yellowing of old leaves while the rest of the plants are green
 Older leaves appear yellow at their edges while the leaf center consists of green arrowhead shape
 The tips of the leaves appear as burnt while the old leaves will become dark green or reddish purple
 The old leaves will wilt and appear scorched. The chlorosis begins at the base and extend into the inter veins. The chlorosis scorches into the inside from the leaf margins.
 Initially the young leaves will turn into yellow primarily and later the old leaves will turn yellow

 The deficiency symptoms of micronutrients

 The terminal buds will die and they appear same as seen in witches broom disease.
 The plants will appear with reduced height and the leaves will become dark green
 The yellowing between the veins of young leaves is due to iron deficiency
 Yellowing between the veins of the young leaves is observed. The size of the plant parts are reduced and the dead spots or patches are observed
 Yellowing of older leaves and the rest of the plant parts are green
 Rosetting of terminal leaves and yellowing between the veins of the new leaves

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